English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

Either of the two organs on the face that you see with

English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

A thin flat round cake made from a mixture of flour, eggs and milk that is fried on both sides, usually eaten hot for breakfast in the US, and in Britain either as a dessert with sugar, jam, etc. or as a main course with meat, cheese, etc.

English word pics イメージで楽しく覚える英単語 小学校

English word pics イメージで楽しく覚える英単語 小学校

English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

All the plants, animals and things that exist in the universe that are not made by people

English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

Finely chopped beef made into a flat round shape that is then fried, often served in a bread roll

English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

A powder made from dried berries (called peppercorns ), used to give a hot flavour to food

English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

A small animal with soft fur, long ears and a short tail 
They live in holes in the ground or are kept as pets or for food.

English word pics イメージで楽しく覚える英単語 小学校

English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

A hollow green fruit that is eaten, raw or cooked, as a vegetable

English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

A small animal with smooth skin, that lives both on land and in water (= is an amphibian). 
They have very long back legs for jumping, and no tail.

English word pics イメージで楽しく覚える英単語 小学校

English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

A vegetable with large dark green leaves that are cooked or eaten in salads

English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

A large reptile with a hard round shell, that lives in the sea.

English word pics イメージで楽しく覚える英単語 小学校

English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

A white substance that is added to food to give it a better flavour or to preserve it. 
It is obtained from mines and is also found in sea water. 

English word pics イメージで楽しく覚える英単語 小学校

English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

A wild animal of the dog family, with reddish-brown fur, a pointed face and a thick heavy tail

English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

A large Australian animal with a strong tail and back legs, that moves by jumping. 
The female carries its young in a pocket of skin (called a pouch) on the front of its body.

English word pics イメージで楽しく覚える英単語 小学校

English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

A person whose job is teaching, especially in a school

English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

A plant or part of a plant that is eaten as food for example potatoes, beans and onions, etc.

English word pics イメージで楽しく覚える英単語 小学校

English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

A substance similar to the same name stone made into white or colored sticks for writing or drawing

English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

A reptile with a very long thin body and no legs. There are many types and some of which are poisonous.

English word pics イメージで楽しく覚える英単語 小学校

English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

Having the color of earth or coffee

English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

Animals, birds, insects, etc. that are wild and live in a natural environment

English word pics イメージで楽しく覚える英単語 小学校

English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

Having the color of lemons or butter

English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

The appearance that things have that results from the way in which they reflect light. They are red, orange and green, etc.

English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

 The front part of the head between the forehead and the chin

English word pics イメージで楽しく覚える英単語 小学校

English word pics イメージで楽しく覚える英単語 小学校

English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

A room with a toilet in school or a public place, such as a theater or restaurant

English riddle 英語なぞなぞ


Either of the two parts of the body between the top of each arm and the neck

English word pics イメージで楽しく覚える英単語 小学校

English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

The organ inside the body where food goes when you swallow it; the front part of the body below the chest

English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

A pair of outer coverings for your feet, usually made of leather or plastic

English word pics イメージで楽しく覚える英単語 小学校

English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

The area around the middle of the body between the ribs and the hips, often narrower than the areas above and below

English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

Two lenses in a frame that rests on the nose and ears. People wear them in order to be able to see better or to protect their eyes from bright light.