English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

Room in a school of a teacher who is in charge of a school as a head teacher

English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

School subject to learn an activity involving a special skill at making things with your hands

English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

The school subject of science of numbers and shapes including arithmetic,algebra, geometry and trigonometry

English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

A mixture of raw vegetables such as lettuce, tomato and cucumber, usually served with other food as part of a meal

English word pics イメージで楽しく覚える英単語 小学校

English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

A shape having four straight equal sides and four angles of 90°

English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

A small oval object with a thin hard shell produced by a female bird and containing a young bird; a similar object produced by a female fish, insect, etc.

English word pics イメージで楽しく覚える英単語 小学校

English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

Shaped like an egg

English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

A long curved fruit with a thick yellow skin and soft flesh, that grows on trees in hot countries

English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

A room or hall with equipment for doing physical exercise, for example in a school

English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

A sweet food made from a mixture of flour, eggs, butter, sugar, etc. that is baked in an oven. 
Made in various shapes and sizes and are often decorated, for example with cream or icing

English word pics イメージで楽しく覚える英単語 小学校

English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

A flat shape with five straight sides and five angles

English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

A thick sweet substance made by boiling fruit with sugar, often sold in jars and spread on bread

English word pics イメージで楽しく覚える英単語 小学校

English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

A door, gate, passage, etc. used for entering a room, building or place

English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

The main meal of the day, eaten either in the middle of the day or in the evening

English word pics イメージで楽しく覚える英単語 小学校

English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

The form of the outer edges or surfaces of something; an example of something that has a particular form

English word pics イメージで楽しく覚える英単語 小学校

English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

Things that people or animals eat

English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

An area of knowledge studied in a school, college, etc.

English word pics イメージで楽しく覚える英単語 小学校

English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

A type of food made from milk that can be either soft or hard and is usually white or yellow in colour; a particular type of this food

English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

A large fruit with hard green, yellow or orange skin, sweet flesh and juice and a lot of seeds

English word pics イメージで楽しく覚える英単語 小学校


English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

One of the long parts that connect the feet to the rest of the body

English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

One of the four long thin parts that stick out from the hand (or five, if the thumb is included)

English word pics イメージで楽しく覚える英単語 小学校

English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

A hard brown sweet food made from cocoa beans, used in cooking to add flavour to cakes, etc. or eaten as a sweet/candy

English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

School subject of learning knowledge about the structure and behavior of the natural and physical world, based on facts that you can prove, for example by experiments

English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

A round citrus fruit with thick reddish-yellow skin and a lot of sweet juice

English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

The star that shines in the sky during the day and gives the earth heat and light

English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

A soft fruit with a lot of juice and shiny red skin that is eaten as a vegetable either raw or cooked

English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

A small flat sweet cake for one person, usually baked until crisp

English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

The joint between the top and bottom parts of the leg where it bends in the middle

English word pics イメージで楽しく覚える英単語 小学校

English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

Shape used as a symbol of love, often red ; a symbol shaped  used to mean the verb ‘love’

English word pics イメージで楽しく覚える英単語 小学校

English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

A soft red fruit with very small yellow seeds on the surface, that grows on a low plant

English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

An animal with a long tail, that climbs trees and lives in hot countries. 
There are several types and they are related to apes and humans.

English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

A large round vegetable with thick orange skin. 
The seeds can be dried and eaten and the soft flesh can be cooked as a vegetable or in sweet pies.

English word pics イメージで楽しく覚える英単語 小学校

English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

A creature that is covered with feathers and has two wings and two legs. 
Most of them can fly

English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

A round vegetable with large green, purplish-red or white leaves that can be eaten raw or cooked

English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

To make the sounds and movements of your face that show you are happy or think something is funny

English riddle 英語なぞなぞ

A long vegetable with dark green skin and light green flesh, that is usually eaten raw